levelezotars kereso
(too old to reply)
2005-03-27 02:55:09 UTC
van valaki,aki akar velem fecsegni

(webes bekuldes, a bekuldo gepe:
2005-03-28 03:43:01 UTC
's feet, and wait
His time; and they rest in that, not being sensible that the Spirit of
God has now brought them to a frame whereby they are prepared for mercy.
For it is remarkable, that persons when they first have this sense of
the justice of God, rarely, at the time, think any thing of its being
that humiliation they have often heard insisted on, and that others

In many persons, the first conviction of the justice of God in their
condemnation which they take particular notice of, and probably the
first distinct conviction of it that they have, is of such a nature, as
seems to be above any thing merely legal. Though it be after legal
humblings, and much of a sense of their own helplessness, and of the
insufficiency of their own duties; yet it does not appear to be forced
by mere legal terrors and convictions, but rather from a high exercise
of grace, in saving repentance, and evangelical humiliation. For there
is in it a sort of complacency of soul in the attribute of God's
justice, as displayed in His threatenings of eternal damnation to
sinners. Sometimes at the discovery of it, they can scarcely forbear
crying out, It is just! It is just! Some express themselves, that they
could see the glory of God would shine bright in their own condemnation;
and they are ready to think that if they are damned, they could take
part with God against themselves, and would glorify His justice therein.
And when it is thus, they commonly have some evident sense of free and
all-sufficient grace, th

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